Webtrees delete media
Webtrees delete media

webtrees delete media

If they are simply used as “decorative items” in a publicly viewable front page (i.e. It just means you cannot / should not also have them connected to any family tree record. You can keep those items wherever you like, so /media is fine. Not sure how I find it – can you please advise Nigel. Similarly a List-Media Objects lists them but indicates ‘file does not exist’ So I need to clean those five media items out of the table.


However their Media ids M75, M76 etc still exist, so a search by media id finds an entry somewhere (in a DB table?), showing their full file name but presents the ‘file does not exist’ message. On checking further there are actually only five items involved – from very early in my research and they all long-since ceased to exist as media files. I’m sure you’re right that it goes back to PGV days. I know I must deal with this but there are rather a lot of scripts to change and I keep finding excuses for not doing it just yet! But you’re absolutely right and I shall have to attack it very soon. The problem lies in my ‘front-end’ scripts which still refer to the media files in their ‘old’ location. The ONLY place kiwitrees will look for media items is in /data/media. There is absolutely no point in having media in both places. The best solution now would be to delete and replace those media items and their links. My guess would be that this happened way back in PGV. For some reason they were not amended to a correct relative path during the import process. The “C:/Documents & Settings/Username/My Documents/My Images …” will have been introduced a long time ago by an unseen issue importing a GEDCOM file that used those as the file path for media objects. Media was moved (webtrees 1.3 something) to the /data folder because that is the ‘protected’ area of kiwitrees, which avoided the incredibly complex media-firewall system introduced into PGV. Anywhere else is just wasting space and a security risk. I can’t think of anything else that I may be doing differently – except that i still have ALL my media files in a directory /media in addition to the ‘correct’ location – /data/media. In case it’s relevant, I still have ALL modules enabled – haven’t yet started to cut out those I don’t need.


I can’t remember what was in the ‘folder’ window of this list option before (and frankly i haven’t used it for a long time, but the drop-down list of options for folder now contains only four folder locations where I once kept media files on the PC over five years ago but are no longer valid! (Where are these extracted from?) and not the folder ( /media or /data/media ) on the server! I suspect that has changed since the previous version? I just tried Lists – Media Objects and failed to display anything. In addition to the fact that I have seen no ‘file not found’ on any individual or family page, nor on the Home Page Slide Show, since I installed a week ago (and I know from experience if a media item is missing it is immediately apparent, whether or not I am looking for it specifically) I have tried about fifty random checks on individual/family/media searches since reading your post and none have failed to find a media file ….

Webtrees delete media